Thea Zunick, Team Leader of Partnerships and Sponsorships Team

Thea Zunick is excited to continue her commitment to serving NGLA by serving as the inaugural Team Leader of the Partnerships and Sponsorships Team. Thea is a campus based professional and volunteer with 10+ years of experience in Student Affairs. Her professional work spans multiple areas within higher education including fraternity and sorority life, leadership, service, diversity, orientation, wellness, and campus programming.

Thea is currently the Associate Director of Student Life at Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, N.J and is in the dissertation phase in the Educational Doctorate Program at Rutgers to fulfill her personal value of lifelong learning and to contribute to the body of research on fraternity life. She volunteers and presents at national and regional conferences including: NASPA regional and national conferences, the AFA Annual Meeting, UIFI, Sigma Phi Epsilon’s EDGE and Carlson, Beta Theta Pi’s Wooden Institute, Delta Phi Epsilon’s Engage U, Delta Upsilon’s Presidents Academy, Sigma Pi’s Mid-Year Leadership Conference, Alpha Sigma Phi’s Elevate Conference, Phi Mu Delta’s Sapphire Institute, Tau Delta Phi’s Pyramid Leadership Institute , Delta Tau Delta’s Eastern Division Conference, and Phi Sigma Sigma’s Leadership Conference. She has published blogs/articles for the Sigma Phi Epsilon online blog, Sigma Pi’s Emerald magazine, AFA Essentials Magazine, the #SAFIT online blog, and the NJ Alliance ACPA Professional Association’s online blog, and is progress of launching her own website and blog soon – stay tuned!

She is inspired by the potential of the fraternity and sorority community nationwide and believes that when it is done right, it can be a powerful thing. This is what motivates her to get off the sidelines and be part of the solution by serving and volunteering in many capacities.

About nglablog

NGLA builds community among students from a variety of fraternal experiences, challenges members to align their actions with fraternal values, and empowers advocates to transform and improve their communities.

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